[1] If there are no vertical accelerations, this becomes the so-called Hydrostatic Equation ().

[2] Cold advection is not inevitably coupled with subsidence, but it most often is. If, for some strange reason, the isentropic surfaces are moving faster than the wind, the actual parcel trajectories would be up the isentropic surfaces rather than down them, in spite of the instantaneous flow showing cold advection. Another situation where cold advection may not be associated with subsidence is where strong diabatic processes are overcoming the cold advection. Finally, in quasigeostrophic theory, the contribution to upward motion due to differential vorticity advection might be in the opposite sense to that of the thermal advection contribution, such that the sum would be upward. In the lower mid-troposphere, this is likely to be an unusual situation ... the differential vorticity advection is usually strongest from 500 mb upward, whereas the thermal advction contribution is usually strongest from 700 mb downward.

[3] I hear the same argument applied to split infinitives, and I don't accept it for justifying that, either.

[4] Use of italics to indicate Latin is widespread but not mandatory, in spite of Derbyshire's plea ... it depends on a publication's adopted style. For instance, in spite of the fact that et cetera is Latin, it's no longer considered necessary to set it off with italics.

[5] Note that an ordinary cumulus cloud is a convective cloud, but it's one that has not yet reached its LFC, even though it has reached its LCL (or CCL). Deep convection awaits attainment of the LFC, so although ordinary cumulus are certainly convective in character, they are qualitatively different from deep convection!

[6] I have written about the reason why the lifting process is typically subsynoptic-scale and is not usually a synoptic-scale process ... see: Doswell, C.A. III, 1987: The distinction between large-scale and mesoscale contribution to severe convection: A case study example. Wea. Forecasting, 2, 3-16.

[7] This section has been revised slightly to reflect some input I got from Jason Knievel and Matt Parker, currently students at Colorado State University.

[8] Note that if the F-scale is to be logically connected to the Beaufort scale, it would need to be measured at the same height as the Beaufort scale: 10 meters above the surface.