An American Kristallnacht?
Chuck Doswell – 28 July 2011
With the news that Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik is a
fundamentalist christian nationalist, christians world-wide are
scrambling feverishly to disassociate him from christianity. It
seems to me that this incident makes it all the more clear that every religious believer comes to his or her own interpretation
of their religion. This, by the way, is especially true for
atheists and agnostics since there are no “sacred” atheist scriptures
around which to build a rigid set of beliefs. As rigid as the
bible may seem to some to be, it’s apparently quite open to
The christians who deny that Breivik is a “true christian” no doubt
find it convenient to rationalize the evil of his actions with their
pre-conceived notion of christianity. So I ask: were the
christians who participated in the Crusades true christians or
not? Were the christians who participated in the Inquisition true
christians or not? Were the christians who burned witches at the
stake true christians or not? I could go on to include more
recent examples, but I think the point has been made, here. Much
barbarism has been committed in the name of christianity over the 2000
years of its existence, and that barbarism continues to this very day,
albeit without government sanction (not yet!).
Christianity, like most religions, is inherently inclined to stimulate
its believers to extremism. It taps into the tribalistic tendency
programmed into every human by evolution – the “us versus them”
mentality that dehumanizes anyone not a “true believer” to the point
where it’s but a short step to systematic torture and annihilation for
the infidels. If not all christians come to the conclusion that
they should go out and do evil acts in the name of jesus, it’s also
true that many christians go along passively as evil acts are carried
out by their more fanatical christian brethren.
In reality, all believers interpret their religious documents through a
personal filter. So-called fundamentalists are supposed to accept
every word in their scriptures as literal, word-for-word truth, of
course. The large number of “fundamentalist” sects even within
christianity suggests that even the fundamentalists generally “cherry
pick” the ideas within their so-called faith, to suit their personal
vision of what to believe. The bible is full of explicit and
implicit contradictions that simply demand some sort of
interpretation. For instance, how many “right to lifers” also
support the death penalty for certain crimes? How many believers
in the Ten Commandments support killing during war? It’s clear
that different christians come to different conclusions about how to
interpret their scriptures.
If you accept that humans have “free will” (an idea that is logically
inconsistent with an omnipotent, omniscient deity) within christianity,
this tendency toward individual interpretation evidently is approved by
christianity. It seems that christians are indeed free to believe
whatever they choose. But there’s a catch! Whose version of
christianity is the right one? I can virtually guarantee that every christian believes that their version of christianity is the one true religion,
and all the others are simply misguided. Why adhere to a denomination
you don’t believe to be the one true version, after all? For
some, nonchristian beliefs are assumed to be heresy or inspired by
satan, and to be heretical or working on behalf of the devil is
tantamount to a death sentence in their eyes. Wiping out the
unbelievers would be doing the work of god, not an evil deed!
Many “moderate” christians
believe firmly that they would never commit the actions of a terrorist,
so they can say from their self-righteous perch above the rest of
humanity that a terrorist can’t be a true christian. But if the
theocracy that some christians desire becomes a reality here, what’s to
prevent the leaders of that theocracy from committing terrorist acts on
unbelievers? The history of christianity makes it very clear that
this possibility is not just paranoia – fear with no foundation in
reality. Just ask the Germans who went through the agonies of
Nazi facism how many of them stood up for the rights of the Jews and
other persecuted minorities. How many muslims in the middle
eastern theocracies are standing up and denouncing the terrorist
misdeeds of their islamist brethren? Not all christians advocate
a theocracy here in the USA, but many of them maintain that our laws
and history make us a de facto “christian nation” despite the real history being just the opposite of that (separation of church and state!).
Are all those misguided unbelievers truly doomed to death and eternal
damnation? So it must seem to christian believers. It’s
just not that big a step from seeing others as fated to damnation to
acting on that vision and hastening the process of their
extinction. Especially when there are passages in the sacred
texts of these religions that call for brutal deeds to be visited upon
unbelievers. It’s only a matter of individual interpretation by
“believers” that prevents christians from becoming a barbaric mob of
murderers and torturers, visiting their god’s wrath on the heathen
multitudes. As an atheist in a predominantly christian nation, I
find that rather worrisome. We have yet to have our “kristallnacht” here in the USA but I don’t know for sure how much it might take for such a thing to happen.
I simply don’t believe those who say, “It could never happen here in
the USA!” Germany was arguably the most civilized of nations
before they went down the Nazi path. They were swayed by the
seductive arguments of a demagogue who tapped into their tribalism and
used the difficult economic circumstances of financial collapse to
cause many of their people to unite behind a christian nationalist
vision of their ultimate superiority, giving them the right to rule the
world. Does this sound familiar to us here in the USA? It