Leading Horses to Water
Ancient Greeks began the way of
thinking originally known as natural philosophy but which we now call
science. Science emerged as we know it during the Renaissance, in
an age dominated by fear, superstition, injustice, and brutality.
In other words, pretty much like the present. These musings are
aimed at explaining how science works, and how science can serve even
nonscientists in their efforts to make sense of the world. I can
try to explain things but it’s up to you to decide whether or not you
wish to drink from these waters.
#2 - Science and, by inference, rationalism, under attack
American Heathen: aired: 22 July 2011
In the midst of a blistering summer heat wave in many parts of the USA,
the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) deniers are, not so strangely,
mostly silent. It’s a lot easier to deny global warming when
temperatures plunge and the snow flies, although in both cases (a heat
wave or a cold wave) what people are seeing is the weather, not the
climate. This is simply another tactic that AGW deniers use to
cast their spell of confusion on the American public.
Emotion-laden pandering to public ignorance has been characteristic of
the AGW deniers now for several years. They aren’t carrying out
their denials in the refereed scientific literature, where any real
scientific debate is conducted. Rather, they use the media to
trumpet their message through the blogosphere and other public media,
including journalists who duly and solemnly report “both sides” of this
pseudo-debate as if the two sides carry equal weight. Right-wing
stooges for the corporate elite continue to accuse the climate
scientists of engaging in a conspiracy to misrepresent climate science
for their personal gain. No matter that no substantive evidence
for misrepresentation of the science has ever been found. Just a
lot of warped interpretation of such non-events as “Climategate” –
which has been called the most important scandal in the history of
science by some these AGW denier zealots, even though the reality is
that no significant misdeeds have been established in any of the
several investigations into the case.
The worst part of all of these histrionics is that it taps into a deep
undercurrent of anti-intellectualism that always has run just below the
surface here in the USA. The attack on climate science is simply
a manifestation of the growing ignorance of many Americans when it
comes to science. They didn’t take to the subject in school and
they simply don’t trust those “pointy-headed intellectuals” whom they
accuse of elitism and arrogance, spurned on by know-nothing
spokespersons for corporations who are unhappy with the scientific
findings of climate science. Those findings make it clear that
humans are influencing the global climate through their vast
outpourings of greenhouse gases. That looks like bad publicity
for many of those corporations (especially including the extremely
wealthy “energy” sector, which is primarily about the consumption of
fossil fuels). What better way to undermine the credibility of
those findings than to discredit the scientists and to spread lies,
innuendos, accusations of misdeeds, and misrepresentations far and
wide. Politics has shown the vulnerability of the American public
to such underhanded tactics, and the AGW deniers have become quite
adept at the process. These deniers are conspicuously absent from
the scientific journals and conferences where the vast majority of
climate scientists conduct their science via well-proven pathways of
peer review and frank, honest interchanges between people operating on
the cutting edge of their science. If one wants to find a
conspiracy, it’s not at all likely to be among the vast majority of
climate scientists. Better to search for conspiracy within the
AGW deniers and their corporate sponsors. It’s a common tactic of
demagogues to accuse their opponents of the very tactics and misdeeds
that they themselves are using.
The AGW deniers have even gone so far as to try to undermine the very
notion of scientific consensus. Dictionary.com defines consensus:
1. majority of opinion,
2. general agreement or concord; harmony.
So when AGW deniers scream the mantra that “Consensus science isn’t
science!” without any comprehension of what consensus represents in
science, what they’re evidently saying is that anything that most
scientists agree upon is no longer science! The reason they
attack consensus science, of course, is that they need to deny the
consensus, since that consensus is overwhelmingly in favor of
AGW. If they are climate scientists (most AGW deniers aren’t
scientists of any sort, of course), then they’re taking a position on
the fringes of that science.
So what does consensus science look like? Ever buy a freshman
level college science textbook? Virtually all of the content
therein is “consensus science” – it’s the formal, intellectual basis
for the entire topic under consideration. It’s in that textbook
because virtually everyone in the field agrees that it’s an accurate
representation of what scientists in that field consider to be the core
of their understanding. You likely can find a few individuals who
might disagree with some parts of that textbook, perhaps with good
reasons or perhaps not with good reasons. In any case, the
consensus in science isn’t immutable, but changing it requires a
substantial effort. No one likes to have to change their core
principles, so scientists will be very hesitant to change the consensus
just because someone disagrees with some of it. But, over time,
that consensus does evolve. New ideas supplant some of the former
consensus as the consensus changes. That’s the way science moves
forward and that’s how scientists make a name for themselves – by
contributing something that forces a change in the consensus.
Therefore, no true scientist has a vested interest in the
consensus. The slow evolution of science is punctuated by
occasional major revolutions within the core, such as the relativity
and quantum mechanics in physics, plate tectonics in geology, or
numerical solutions for the otherwise unsolvable mathematics of
atmospheric science.
Science at the cutting edge, on the other hand, is much more volatile
and laced with disagreement. Despite their agreement with the
consensus, scientists on the frontiers of knowledge clash often and
heatedly at times over issues on those frontiers. This lack of
agreement about new ideas is normal in science, not a sign of something
going wrong. But if you ask the participants in such clashes
about the core, they would agree on the vast majority of the
consensus. Without that consensus as the basis, their
disagreements would be futile! If an argument is to be fruitful,
there must always be an extensive basis of agreement on fundamental
The American public, already being victimized by various assaults on
public education, is increasingly vulnerable to the anti-intellectual
smearing of people who stand for a rational, scientific approach to
understanding and problem-solving. Ignorance seems to be
expanding, even as science moves forward. Slogans and
anti-science mudslinging work because many people choose not to think
for themselves, choosing insted to follow demagogues who promise the
world but will deliver something very different if they win the
day. The attacks on climate science are attacks on all of
science, and in fact on all rational, empirical thinking. AGW
deniers can be seen as a portent of a new Dark Age that could descend
on the USA.
is not a religion but rather a tool for those who wish to think for
themselves about the natural world. Its primary characteristic is
its willingness to entertain questions from those who wish to obtain
believable answers.