Leading Horses to Water
Ancient Greeks began the way of
thinking originally known as natural philosophy but which we now call
science. Science emerged as we know it during the Renaissance, in
an age dominated by fear, superstition, injustice, and brutality.
In other words, pretty much like the present. These musings are
aimed at explaining how science works, and how science can serve even
nonscientists in their efforts to make sense of the world. I can
try to explain things but it’s up to you to decide whether or not you
wish to drink from these waters.
#15 - Government funding of science – how it works
American Heathen: aired: 09 June 2012
If you listen to all the propaganda against global climate change, a
scientific topic that has been politicized to an extent I never would
have dreamed possible, it seems the deniers of the reality of global
warming are proposing that there’s a vast conspiracy amongst global
climate change scientists. Since these airheads seem capable of
understanding others only by looking in the mirror, they see profit as
the main motive for scientists to become involved in this putative
cabal. Climate scientists are being accused of lying to the public purely for personal gain!
Apart from the utter absurdity of a global conspiracy among scientists
to publish science they know to be wrong, this raises the question of
just how scientific research is funded. There are only a few
basic mechanisms for supporting high-level research: (1)
government science laboratories that employ scientists to do research,
(2) private sector support for research, and (3) university-based
academic research funded predominantly through the National Science
Foundation (NSF - a Federal agency), although academics also accept
other sources (governmental and non-governmental). They take
whatever they can get, of course.
The work done in Federally-funded research labs is done by their staff
scientists, who receive a respectable wage for their work, comparable
to academic salaries for faculty in the sciences. Apart from
their salary (and any bonuses they might receive for their
accomplishments), there are very strict rules imposed on these
government scientists – they cannot accept money or expensive “gifts”
from anyone else for any purpose, on pain of losing their jobs and
perhaps being prosecuted. Thus, scientists in these Federal
laboratories are as independent as it’s possible for anyone to
be. No enhancements to funding for climate research can possibly
find their way into the pockets of these folks! Virtually all of climate science being done in such facilities is supportive of the IPCC findings about global climate change.
The science done in universities by research faculty and associated
scientists is dominated by NSF funding. In order to obtain such
funding, scientists must submit a proposal to the NSF, which is sent
out for review by other scientists working in that discipline. If
the reviews are favorable, the proposal is ranked according to internal
NSF criteria and those highly-ranked are funded (nowadays, often with
NSF-required reductions to the proposed budget). The researchers
are paid for some fraction of their time for participation in the
project – typically an amount comparable to their salary for 2-3
months, as many universities actually pay their faculty only for the 9
months of the school year (3/4 of their nominal salary). The
faculty have to cover the summer months of their salary by obtaining
external grants like those from the NSF.
The salaries for university researchers are not set by the researchers
themselves. Rather, they’re paid according to the university’s
standardized salary rules, varying primarily with the seniority of the
researchers. There’s simply no way for university scientists to
add to the university-mandated income for their faculty or staff
position. The rest of the proposal’s budget supports graduate
student assistants, the actual research costs (charges for data,
personal computers, field experiment costs, and so on), and
university-provided infrastructure, such as computer facilities,
laboratories, offices, phones, Internet access, etc. An NSF grant
is not simply a check handed over to a researcher to spend as
desired. Virtually all the budget is prescribed by various rules
designed specifically to prevent the very abuse the deniers are
accusing climate scientists of perpetrating! Virtually all of climate science being done in such facilities is supportive of the IPCC findings about global climate change.
Finally, consider funding by the private sector. This is
precisely what the conservatives believe to be the proper way to do
things: the pseudo-sacred, free-market, private sector way.
In this domain, however, there are few, if any, rules governing how
private sector funding is to be used in support of research.
There may or may not be any strings attached to the resources
contributed by the private sector, so there’s considerable room for
abuse. Like the research contributed by cigarette companies for
research into the health hazards from smoking, many private sector
contributions for global climate change research have been targeted at
that small minority of scientists who are know to deny the reality of
anthropogenic global warming. When someone is paying you for your
research who has a pecuniary stake in the outcome of that research, it
seems almost inevitable that your results would wind up favoring your
supporters. If one were to seek a conspiracy regarding the
science of global climate changes, this would be the right place to
start! If you must be distrustful of scientists, here is where to
look to find those unworthy of your trust! A
considerable fraction of climate science being done under such
circumstances is not supportive of the IPCC findings about global
climate change. Is this a coincidence? I think not!
is not a religion but rather a tool for those who wish to think for
themselves about the natural world. Its primary characteristic is
its willingness to entertain questions from those who wish to obtain
believable answers.