Curriculum Vitae


Charles A. Doswell III

Last update: 04 August 2010: updated my publications
  1. Here are the basic data for my C.V.
  2. Here is a current list of my formal publications
  3. Here is a listing of my funded research proposals
  4. Here is a list of my informal publications
  5. Here is a list of my invited talks
  6. Here is a summary of my military service.
  7. Here is an employment history
  8. Here is a short biography
  9. Here is my teaching and academic service history
  10. Here is a history of my Federal Service

For those wishing a photograph of me, you can click on the thumbnails below to download a full-sized version

a more or less "formal" photograph

a somewhat less formal photograph

a definitely relaxed photograph

a more recent "formal" photograph